Après-Demain SA supports Enerdrape’s growth by investing in its first round of financing

Enerdrape, an EPFL spin-off, was founded in 2021 by Margaux Peltier (civil engineer), Alessandro Rotta Loria (PhD in mechanical engineering), and Lyesse Laloui (PhD in mechanical engineering – EPFL Professor).

This company has developed geothermal panels that capture renewable thermal energy from existing and new underground environments for heating and cooling buildings.

This financing will enable the company to accelerate the development and marketing of this innovative technology.

Enerdrape aims to become a global leader in the provision of sustainable heating and cooling solutions for cities.

Thierry Mauvernay, President of Après-demain, explains:

With this investment in Enerdrape, we are strengthening our commitment to the energy transition through our GeneRActions Planet initiative. Geothermal energy is a renewable, clean, and sustainable source of energy with enormous potential for development. We are therefore convinced that their geothermal panel technology, which can capture energy from the ground without drilling, has the potential to revolutionize the energy sector. A big congratulations to Margaux and the team for their disruptive invention !

Enerdrape press release